Sunday, 18 July 2010

6 Months already

Wow, is it really 6 months since I finished work?

Yep, 6 months ago I gave up paid work to become a stay-at-home Dad.

And what an adventure it has been.

So what have been some of the highlights?
Well, we are virtually on a first-name basis with the animals at the zoo.


Going for trips on the train



Enjoying coffee and baby chinos together

Playing with the dogs 

Learning to cook


Doing the gardening


Going to birthday parties


Playing in the rain


Riding our bikes


Visiting Bradley's brothers and sister in Adelaide


Suffering through the World Cup loss


And just lounging around


Not to mention Kidz Unplugged, visiting the library, going to the gym and just playing with friends.

So what have I learnt?
  • Caring for a 2 year old is challenging and HARD work. 
  • Being part of a great support group is essential (thanks BaBS group :-)
  • Have a variety of activites and spread them out.
  • Try new things
  • Stop and enjoy the moment. Because it goes all too fast

But this journey has also allowed me to learn somethings about myself.

  • I can be tolerant
  • I can change
  • I can learn new things
Not too shabby for an old dog!!!

So how I would sum it up.

Caring for a toddler is 50 times more work than any job I have ever had.  

But 1000 times more rewarding !!!



1 comment:

Natalie Hennekam said...

Awww baby, I'm so proud of you and this journey you're on.
You're amazing!

(and don't forget ... you've also learnt that you *can* cook!)