Friday, 29 January 2010

2 weeks already

It suddenly dawned on me that it has been 2 weeks already since I finished work!! Where has that time gone?

Bradley has adjusted well to the change in circumstances. He is such a trooper. Lots more cuddles for Daddy and he is getting a lot more used to Mummy's absences upstairs.

So yesterday we spent some more time at the Melbourne Zoo (ah the joys of a zoo membership!!) and today was just pottering around the house.

Living in a rural area has highlighted the need for greater vigilance of things like snakes and spiders. Well (fingers crossed) we have not seen any snakes to date. We did have a blue tongue lizard wander across the yard a couple of weeks ago.

But everywhere we look there are spiders. small ones, big ones, black ones and brown ones. so it is forever cleaning the play equipment and checking toys and everything before using it.

But all-in-all, life has been good. I have had so much fun bonding with Bradley. He gives the greatest cuddles and boy I have been getting a lot of those :-)

This has been a great decision for all of us, and next week we venture into the first of our markets. And just for you, here is a glimpse of the colours we will be using for the play clothes range we will be launching soon . . .

We are really excited about this next phase and we'll keep you fully informed.

Stay cool and chat soon.

1 comment:

Kelly Casanova said...

Welcome to blogland, you're doing a great job! It seems like you're really enjoying your new role, I hope the market goes well for you both.